
Ab initio effective one‐electron potential operators for elimination of electron repulsion integrals

In our recent paper that hit the cover of Journal of Computational Chemistry, a general method for effective one‐electron potentials (EOPs) based elimination of electron repulsion integrals is presented, that is tuned toward the fragment‐based calculation methodologies such as the second generation of the effective fragment potentials (EFP2) method. The EOP technique is applied to […]

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RNA or DNA – is that really the right question?

I invite you to listen to the podcast of RDC radio broadcast “From another planet” hosted by Dr. Łukasz Badowski, in which we talked about the conclusions of our article on the possible common origins of RNA and DNA, which was recently published by Nature in collaboration with Rafał Szabla and Mikołaj Janicki and the […]

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Oct 18
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